How to make a Post

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Category : contribute   guides
Two people collaborating on a silver macbook laptop
Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

One of the many ways you can contribute to the QAP community is by creating Posts (aka Articles) for our QAP Open Source Knowledgebase. You can either add the post directly to the GitHub Repo or send the post to Carlos Kidman.

This post is a guide to help you create one yourself, but please reach out if you have questions or need help!

Table of Contents

Anatomy of a Post

In a nutshell, posts are just markdown files. They also need a “metadata” section at the top and a specific file name format, but knowing how to write with markdown is 95% of it.

💡 Post files go in the _posts folder of the project

File Names

💡 The format is YYYY-MM-DD-[post-name].md

  1. The filename starts with the date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Use the date you’d like this to be posted by.
  2. Next you have the name of the file and the file extension

For example, the file name for this post was


With the file created, you start by adding a metadata section (aka frontmatter). This is information about the article that Jekyll will use when generating the website.

💡 This section starts with three dashes and ends with three dashes.

For example, this is the frontmatter I used for this post:

layout: post
title: "How to make a Post"
summary: "Learn how to make a Post for the QAP Knowledgebase"
author: carloskidman
date: "2022-01-20 15:48:00 +0000"
category: ["guides", "testing"]
tags: QAP
thumbnail: /assets/img/posts/christina-morillo.jpg
thumbnail-caption: "Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels"
thumbnail-alt: "Two people collaborating on a silver macbook laptop"
keywords: guides, how to, post, make a post
usemathjax: false
permalink: /blog/how-to-make-a-post/

💡 Posts must start with the frontmatter or the post won’t get rendered 🥲


From there, the rest of the file is pure markdown.

If you are new to markdown, I recommend starting with this Syntax Cheatsheet and searching other resources.

💡 I also recommend looking over our Styleguide so you can see what the syntax will look like on the QAP knowledgebase website!

Ready to submit

Now add all of your wonderful markdown content! Once you’re ready, we need some remaining pieces before you submit.

Provide Author Info

If you are a new author, then you need to provide some info about you.

  • Author image - This is a small pic of you or an avatar. Branding matters, so do something you’d be proud of.
  • Author metadata - This is info about you (see below).

💡 The name of your image and metadata files should match the username field of the post metadata

  1. Add your image to the assets/img/authors folder (ex. johndoe.png)
  2. Add your metadata file to the _authors folder (ex.

This is an example of a Author Metadata file called (you don’t need all the social links):

name: John Doe
username: johndoe
bio: "Hi I a John, a Web Developer and Designer."
avatar: johndoe.png
  - title: "github"
    url: ""
  - title: "linkedin"
    url: ""
  - title: "youtube"
    url: ""
  - title: "facebook"
    url: ""
  - title: "twitter"
    url: ""
  - title: "behance"
    url: ""
  - title: "instagram"
    url: ""
  - title: "medium"
    url: ""
  - title: "telegram"
    url: ""
  - title: "dribbble"
    url: ""
  - title: "flickr"
    url: ""

Send it

If you are working on the post locally or in gitpod, you can run the web server locally to see what everything will look like before you submit anything. I recommend having the web server running while you’re writing 😎

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
  • If you are in the project, make sure you’ve added the post, your author image, and author info. Then submit a pull request.
  • If not, send the markdown file and the author info to Carlos Kidman (via Slack,, etc).

🎉 We will review it, ask for revisions (if needed), and eventually approve and publish it!

Other considerations

There are some other bits and pieces you may need depending on your situation. I will add them to this section, but this isn’t an exhaustive list. Some are just good ideas like listing sources and adding alt text!

Add a Category

💡 Available categories are located in the categories folder

If you’re making a new category all we need to do is,

  1. Create a new file with [your_category_name].md inside the categories folder.

  2. Copy categories/ file and replace the content in [your_category_name].md in that. (Please don’t copy the code below its just sample, since it renders the jekyll syntax dynamically)

layout: page
title: Guides
permalink: /blog/categories/your_category_name/

<h5> Posts by Category : How to make a Post </h5>

<div class="card">


Using the category, all the posts associated with the category will be listed on http://localhost:4000/blog/categories/your_category_name


I recommend adding a thumbnail to every post since they’re not just visual, but also set the tone for the post.

The frontmatter has a thumbnail field that points to a specific folder /assets/img/posts/. For example, this post uses the christina-morillo.jpg image so the frontmatter field looks like this:

thumbnail: /assets/img/posts/christina-morillo.jpg


🙏🏽 Please source any images or data (if necessary), and add alt text to images.

💡 This is a great blog post by code-comments on how to do exactly this!

For the post’s thumbnail image, include the:

  • thumbnail-caption - great for sourcing the image (crediting where you got the image from)
  • thumbnail-alt - Description of the image for accessibility

For example, this post uses these details:

thumbnail-caption: "Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels"
thumbnail-alt: "Two people collaborating on a silver macbook laptop"

Ready to contribute?

That’s everything you need to create a post for the QAP Open Source Knowledgebase. Check out our other posts, including this one, under the _posts folder for more examples and inspiration.

✏️ Happy writing and have a quality day ✏️


Founder of QAP . Director of Engineering . ML/AI

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About QA at the Point

QAP is the Software Testing and Quality Community based in Utah, USA. Consider contributing to the knowledgebase and following, liking, or donating. Anything helps!

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